The requirement is simple; read daily generated xls files, process, write to DB. Sometimes more than one file generated and…
I uploaded one of my sample project to my new repo today. There is a simple project to implement SalesOrders/SalesOrderLines…
I’ve updated one of my projects, made it runnable and uploaded to my new repo. It includes client-server call functions,…
STUPID is an acronym that describes bad practices in Oriented Object Programming: Singleton Tight Coupling Untestability Premature Optimization Indescriptive Naming Duplication…
To refresh HTML web page you can simply use settimeout javascript function. Here is a sample from tutorials point :…
You can use HTML helpers to get data / data label etc. If you use MVC & EF , it…
Simple .NetCore razor page with master/detail grids and JSON queries and bootstrap modal page. Index.cshtml Modal.cshtml Site.js Site.css
Here is a basic sample code
For this sample you need json calls for master and detail. still good example for calling data. Don’t forget adding…
I added basic Json data call /parse function to my library works in .NetCore Razor page. Simple / usefull.